Check how Siberian Husky Mix Breed looks in FDT leather harness
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Genuine leather dog harness fits Siberian Husky Mix well
Dear Guy,
Harness fits well. Looks Great!
Bernard Cavanaugh from Michigan, USA
This tracking harness is made to fit the dog perfectly. Thus, your doggie will feel as comfortable as he has never felt bafore. Due to the ergonomic design, the product provides your dog with the best of both worlds - comfort and strength. It doesn't restrict the dog in his mevements - let your pet to walk in comfort and with enough freedome.
Measure your dog correctly - consult our video
This harness is made only of full grain genuine leather. Your dog, wearing it on during long time, feels totally comfortable. It is fully adjustable, so that it will perfectly fit exactly your canine. There is also quick release buckle with the help of which, there isn't problems already with harnessing your dog.
Mark Lozen, Texas, USA
Date added review: 04/01/2015
Hey Julia. That is a very nice looking piece of equipment! And for a great prince. I can’t wait to start using it. Once I get my 1 year old Pitt Bull puppy accustomed to it I'm going to teach him to pull a wagon first with one of my 15 year old dogs who doesn't get around well and then with my 2 year old neighbour. I'm copying the setup in the picture on your site of the Rottweiler and the red wagon but my wagon is nicer with pneumatic tires and wood rails. This is going to be fun!

[5 of 5 Stars]