2 days special offer - 25% discount for limited quantity! 10 units available only
Introduction Price - This Sleeve Has $199 Value Be advised, that this
bite sleeve should be used
ONLY with cover if you want it to serve your pet
longer. Depending upon the frequency of usage, the cover should be changed from time to time, but the bite sleeve itself
will keep its state. In case you want to get the matching cover along with this bite sleeve, please
click here.
Order Now New Revolutionary Fully Hand Crafted
All Around Dog Protection Training Sleeve!
This Top
Quality Bite Sleeve Is Made Of Only Dog Friendly Selected Materials By
Hand Craft Experts! Made by Professionals For Professionals!
Now You Can Have It
Tested Design,
Helpers Ultimate Comfort and Tri Level Bite Bar to Get You 3 Steps Ahead Of Other Trainers!
Yes These 7 Revolutionary Features
Other Bite Sleeves Do Not Have Helped Me To Improve My Dog In Bite Training And They Will
Work For YOU Too!
- No Metal or Outside Plastic Parts Equals Safety For Your
- Tri Level Bite Bar Regulation To Adjust Proper Training Stage
- Means This One Professional Sleeve Will Do 3 Others Sleeves Job
- Hand Stitching For Outstanding
Superior design for Police, Schutzhund and Military training
- Already Tested and Approved by professional Trainers in 3 different countries
- Terrific
Overall Quality by Using Especially Created For ForDogTrainers NK
- Be Up To Date
With The Official Sleeve of Upcoming Schutzhund World Championships
New 2016 model future - 6 ways adjustable inside handle.
Adjust handle to fit YOUR own anatomy and train better!
This Sleeve Will Make
You Want Keep Training and Training and Training...
Got the sleeve cover today!! Thank you very much - it is much more like what I wanted than the one I had to buy
elsewhere -- don't run out of those things any more!! :)
From :Nancy, USA
I got the equipment that you sent. Once again, thank you very much for replacing my sleeves and
sending me the chokers that were lost. I continue to keep recommending FOR DOG TRAINERS to other Police K-9
Teams like myself and Dog Trainers.
From :Paul, USA, North Iowa
Hello Guy,
Thank you for the sleeve. Your quality and service are the best consistently. Have a great
From :Linda, USA, Florida
I received my bite sleeve today and i am very pleased with it! I know we had a little hiccup with
making the purchase but once we had gotten that resolved everything was smooth. Thank you for selling it at a
great reasonable price. my american bulldog has not had any formal training and and he started hitting the
sleeve great the first day. It is a very well made product! i had some doubts about ordering from you online but
i've got to say that i'm 100% SATISIFIED and i will ordered from you again in the future. Thank you for the
great product!
From :Jason, USA, Indiana
I have received all items as ordered yesterday. Thank for again for the upgrade in shipping.
I wasnt expecting them until later this week. I worked my young GSD this afternoon on escape bites with the
As expected, the X-Sleeve - PS200 is a great sleeve, very comfortable.
I removed two of
the bite bar pads easily to suit my young dog. I like the adjustable bite bar.
It is a pleasure doing
business with you and I look forward to doing more in the future.
From :Mark, USA The revolution bite sleeve is the best all around sleeve money can buy.
Some companies offer 3 to 4 different sleeves to train from young to intermediate to advanced dogs but the
revolution bite sleeve does this in one. I have used this sleeve in trials, all the way to giving a young dog its
first bite on a sleeve. Not only has this sleeve replaced 2 of my others, the craftsmanship has proven itself time
and time again. The sleeve is cutting edge in style and stability. The most important part for me is mobility, right
out of the box this sleeve moved and flexed in every way a decoy/helper is looking for. The sleeve is very
lightweight without losing protection.Distance from elbow to handle 3 ways adjustable. The revolution is easy to
slip with out catching your elbow,and tight enough not to shift around while working the bite. This bite sleeve is a
must for a dog trainer out there working dogs. From personal protection to dog sports, this sleeve will do the job.
The revolution bite sleeve is what trainers, decoys, and helpers have been waiting for, and Fordogtrainers.com has
brought this to you at an affordable price.
Thank you Guy for a wonderful product.......
Joe Egan
Adrenaline K-9
Paul Bartolo, Australia
Date added review: 18/03/2015
Hi! My parcel arrived a couple of days ago, thank you I'm loving my sleeve!! So is my dog ....
Cheers Paul.

[5 of 5 Stars]