Trendy Leather Dog Collar with Circles and Blue Stones
This collar will fit dogs with neck size 18 inch and up to 27 inch (45 cm
- 70 cm)
This Collar Is Extra Wide- Almost 1 1/2 Inch - Which Makes It Perfect Tool For Handling Large And Active
This Leather Collar Is Made With 8 Symmetrical Proportional Silver Plated Round Rings With Gorgeous Blue
Stones in the center!!!That Help Bring Out The Beauty Of This Hand Crafted Creation. We Used Only Silver Plated Hardware
!!! Available In Black Very Strong and Thick Perfectly Oiled and Selected Leather
This collar is
made of very strong, durable and soft leather. No doubled up fillers or machine stitches...which means the edges won't
fray! "Functionally fashionable".
Circles are hand set with brass rivets. Hand set brass rivets
secure the steel nickel plated buckle and D-ring (for tags and leash.)
Click on the pictures to see bigger image
Cane Corso Leather Collar with Luxurious Decorations
I have received the packet today and am absolutely delighted with the quality of the
collars and how they look. Just gorgeous!!!!! Good price for great value. Thanks again! Barbara from
Kasivishvanaath Ayyakkannu, Singapore
Date added review: 21/07/2015
Hi Julia, Thank you for your prompt reply. Have received the package yesterday and we all love
it. Your response was fast and delivery on time as well. Thank you very much.

[5 of 5 Stars]
Randall Bowley, Adelaide, South Australia
Date added review: 18/03/2014
I am writting to you to say i got my order today 28/01/2013 via Amstaff Store inv#7800028 i am
well pleased , great quality and service ! Thankyou. If you would like a positive review for Amstaff Store please
advise where and i would be only to happy to do this. i notified you as i had trouble logging on today at Amstaff

[5 of 5 Stars]