Good Ventilation Training Leather Muzzle
To reach success in attack/agitation training you need special extra durable equipment. But it is rather expensive to buy different muzzles for different purposes. We are happy to save your money and offer you our Training Leather Dog Muzzle that can be used both for ordinary training, attack training, and for daily walking.
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Good Looking Rottweiler Wearing Tracking Muzzle
You should buy this muzzle to see its quality and strength. Its design also allows you to use the muzzle for training, tracking, transportation, walking, visiting vet/groomer. It’s time to save money and order this multipurpose muzzle.
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Well Fitting Training Leather Muzzle with Adjustable Straps
Key features of this Dog Muzzle: - Made of 100% dog safe materials
- Nose padding
- Adjustable straps
- Leather covered steel bar
| Intended use of this Dog Muzzle: - Agitation / attack training
- Vet visit
- Safe walking
- Socializing your dog
Sizes available: | Available colors: |
Learn how to take correct measurements of your Dog for this harness / Our video
Why should you choose this muzzle?
First of all, our dog attack training and tracking muzzles are made only of super durable high quality leather that maintains the form during such activities. But it is also used for everyday walking and guarantees safety for everyone inpublic places. There is a steel bar in a front nose part of the muzzle covered with leather to prevent your dog traumatizing. The parts of the muzzle are stitched and fixed with rivets for extra strength.
Secondly, perfect air circulation structure allows your dog to breathe, to pant during walking, running, training. Adjustable straps allow you to fit the muzzle to the present dimensions of your dog. Soft nose padding provides your beloved pet with comfort when it is muzzled.
Thirdly, it is almost impossible for the dog to take it off with its paws, if it is properly fitted. The materials are non-toxic and do not cause any rush or other allergic reactions, in most cases.
Check how this Muzzle looks on the dogs / Our Video
Check how our products look on the dogs / Pictures from Customers
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Dalmatian Dog Wearing Multipurpose Leather Muzzle
Labrador Dog Sitting with Our Training Leather Muzzle on
Feedback from Our Customers. What our customers are saying.
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by
I just wanted to let you know I received the harness, muzzle, and leash. I am very pleased with the quality of all of the items. They are very well made and everything fits perfectly. We are very SATISFIED!!! Thanks again.
Ronald Bridwell from Buckingham, Virginia, USA.
Patricia Keogh, Ohio, USA
Date added review: 31/07/2015
Wow, what great customer service!!! I do not need anything extra this time around. But I am so happy I finally found a website so dedicated to the mighty and wonderfully lovable cane corso! Thank you :)

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