The dog muzzle for Dog Training, Agitation training, Schutzhund training and more ...
Handmade exclusively by our craftsmen. You have to see this muzzle to believe the craftsmanship and quality. Due to great design the muzzle is well ventilated. This muzzle is very comfortable for your dog and is also very practical for training, traveling, patrolling, guarding and visiting the vet.
Military Dog Muzzle for training, police, agitation M31
This muzzle is completely safe and non-toxic. Among the advantages: leather muzzle will not stick to a dog's snout in winter and will not reflect excessive sunlight. Inhibits biting, chewing. Extremely difficult for the dog to dislodge with it's paws. The muzzle is padded on nose with thick felt for maximum comfort and to prevent rubbing, hand crafted.
Short summary of features: Leather dog muzzle made of strong leather, padded on nose with thick felt for maximum comfort and to prevent rubbing, handcrafted, design provides your dog with good ventilation. This leather muzzle will prevent your dog from wound licking, eating of rocks, garbage, poison, etc. Prevents injuries from dog fights. Due to policy of some transportation companies your dog will be allowed for transportation if properly muzzled.
Wang Tsan, Ohio, United States
Date added review: 14/10/2013
Dear Sir I have received my muzzle, great product! For maintenance, i rinse with water and allow it to dry under the shade? Thank you for your advise. Cheers

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