'Easy Taming' HS Dog Pinch Collar Designed of Curogan Alloy with Prong Diameter 1/11 inch (2.25 mm)
'Easy Taming' HS Dog Pinch Collar Designed of Curogan Alloy with Prong Diameter 1/11 inch (2.25 mm)

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'Easy Taming' HS Dog Pinch Collar Designed of Curogan Alloy with Prong Diameter 1/11 inch (2.25 mm)

Model: HS96#1073 Dog pinch collar with Click Lock Buckle 50037 010 67
  • 'Easy Taming' HS Dog Pinch Collar Designed of Curogan Alloy with Prong Diameter 1/11 inch (2.25 mm)
Need effective remedy for your pet's disobedience? Buy this Durable Dog Pinch Collar equipped with click lock buckle for quick release. Note, that curogan prevents fur discoloration.