Puppy sleeve made of strong yet safe for your dog jute material(same material used to make most of the bite tugs). Good for both - left and right arm. Get your dog used to bite both hands. Has additional handle. This handle allows you to use the sleeve in off the arm training. Super light weight will make sure you will not get exhausted fast during training. It will give you obvious advantage and additional mobility. You will not believe how easy to clean this sleeve and how good it stands bad weather conditions. Perfect choice for puppy training before you progress to the dog young and intermediate sleeve.
Key features of this Sleeve: - Made of 100% dog safe materials
- Very soft material
- Advanced bite surface for puppies
- Soft interior
- Outside round handle
- Inside padded hard handle
- D-ring under handle for increased functionality
- Wall hang loop - stay organized
Intended use of this Bite Sleeve: - Introduction to bite work with sleeve
- Working on bite drive
- Playing with your dog to get your puppy into bite game
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Dog Training Jute Bite Sleeve
Hello Guy,
I recieved the items. The quality is excellent and I am very satisfied. I plan to recommend your products to my clients and other dog trainers here in North Carolina. Thank you.
From :Jayvee, USA
Hockson, Cebu City, Philippines
Date added review: 26/02/2013
I got my orders very nice, worth the wait!!! Thanks again!! Regards, Hocksonfrom Cebu City, Philippines We tested the sleeve this morning and our training director was so impressed with quality of your sleeve not to mention the reasonable price that went with it :-) I will try my very best to take that photo but not today, it has always been raining here lately. I just realize that these products are Israeli made. I always believe in your talent :-)

[5 of 5 Stars]
Roger Leonard, Pennsylvania, USA
Date added review: 02/04/2014
Alice, The sleeves just arrived,they are excellent.Great service.I will be ordering again. Thanks,

[5 of 5 Stars]